Thursday, March 29, 2007

I've Started a new piece

Mom wants something big. This is what I'm going to paint. Can I do it?

Who knows?

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I have been enjoying various Abstract Expressionists and it is showing somewhat in my painting. I guess the impetus for this sort of "stones in a river" theme came from the view out of my window.

This first one started as a collage piece and I gradually added paint and inks. It is more subdued and I like it better. It was actually the second one so it's called...

Stones #2. Mixed media, collage, acrylics, ink on mat board. 23 x 18

This is one of the those pieces where I like parts of it and not others. I keep playing with some of the stones, particularly the bottom right and left and the top left. We'll see if I can ever get happy with the whole thing.

Stones #1. Acrylics on mat board and maybe some inks. 20 x 16

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I'm not as prolific as I was

But then again I'm not depressed and manic anymore either. I'll keep the less productive and happier version of me. I'll also keep a certain person who's part of making me less productive but much happier.

I've been enjoying the abstract expressionist paintings of Joan Mitchell. I'm looking forward to seeing a couple of her things at the Corcoran and other museums in DC in a couple of weeks. I'm sure pictures don't do her work justice; there's just too much texture. So she's inspired me recently and here are a couple of examples.

The first is a fairly big canvas that happened pretty quickly. I doubt it's finished.

"Out of Control" Acrylics on canvas 24" x 30"

This next one has evolved. It's much closer to being finished and I like it better than "Out of Control". This is definitely one where 2d just doesn't show much.

"They Filled the Sky" Acrylics on canvas 24" x 18"