Saturday, September 01, 2007

Two in one day!


After ages between painting posts, I'm posting two today.

This one came together nicely, no struggle. I worked on it over a week or two. I like the colors. Looks like I need to rephoto it though.

Hmmm... untitled so far. Acrylic on canvas. 18 x 24
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Well depression sets in...

I started painting at least partially because of depression. It helped me a great deal. As I've come out of depression I've painted less and also less successfully. I'm going through rather a bad patch recently and I've been painting more and to better effect.

Here's one I like so far. It started out as just a painting but then, on a whim, I added some collage and it helped. Then I played with some shapes and it started to talk to me. It wasn't necessarily a pleasant conversation.

Oh and it's not finished...I don't think.

Tentatively called Depths. Acyrlic and collage on canvasboard. 14" x 18"
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