Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Some new stuff.....

It's been forever since I updated the site mostly because of being stuck and not liking much of anything I've done recently.  This weekend I decided, what the hell, post it anyway.  At least it shows I've been working.  I'll post a piece every day or so for a while.  I'll even post those I don't like!  If you want to see them all at once and spoil the surprise just go to my website.

Let's start with a piece that is on this blog already but in a vastly different version. This has been though more permutations than can be imagined. The background was created using a wood cut that I made based on a Picasso painting. Picasso himself was actually in it at one time.

Picasso Gone Mad. 
Very mixed media, acrylic, collage, ink, kitchen sink on canvas with cheesecloth, 24 x 30

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